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- /********************************************************************
- modinit.c - standard initialisation for Opus 5 modules
- ( ... slightly changed by me ... :-) )
- Typically it is not required for you to change here anything,
- only if you use a different compiler...
- In this case you may refer also to CLib37.lha (AmiNet).
- If your module does require the datatypes library or
- rexxsyslib.library, just define DATATYPES or AREXX in the compiler
- options of the smakefile.
- Function: It does open/close the libraries you may need (add yours,
- if they are not here) and make them available for the whole module.
- ********************************************************************/
- #include <dopus/modules.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_MEMORY_H
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/locale_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/locale_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- /********************************************************************/
- // some prototypes for the functions here
- // needed by SAS to create the library header
- int __saveds __UserLibInit( void );
- void __saveds __UserLibCleanup( void );
- struct Library *DOSBase;
- struct Library *AslBase;
- struct Library *GfxBase;
- struct Library *DOpusBase;
- struct Library *LocaleBase;
- struct Library *UtilityBase;
- struct Library *DiskfontBase;
- struct Library *GadToolsBase;
- struct Library *IntuitionBase;
- #ifdef DATATYPES
- struct Library *DataTypesBase;
- #endif
- #ifdef AREXX
- struct Library *RexxSysBase;
- #endif
- // our module memorypool
- APTR mempool;
- // Locale pointer
- struct DOpusLocale *locale;
- // a prototype from buildinstrings.c
- extern void init_locale_data(struct DOpusLocale *locale);
- /********************************************************************/
- // Library initialisation code
- int __saveds __UserLibInit()
- {
- // Initialise pointers
- AslBase = 0;
- GfxBase = 0;
- DOpusBase = 0;
- LocaleBase = 0;
- UtilityBase = 0;
- DiskfontBase = 0;
- GadToolsBase = 0;
- IntuitionBase = 0;
- locale = 0;
- mempool = NULL;
- #ifdef DATATYPES
- DataTypesBase = 0;
- #endif
- #ifdef AREXX
- RexxSysBase = 0;
- #endif
- // Get DOS library (can't really fail)
- DOSBase = OpenLibrary( "dos.library", 0 );
- // Open other libraries we need
- if( !(AslBase = OpenLibrary("asl.library", 37)) ||
- !(GfxBase = OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 37)) ||
- !(DOpusBase = OpenLibrary("dopus5.library", 55)) ||
- !(UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library", 37)) ||
- !(GadToolsBase = OpenLibrary( "gadtools.library", 37)) ||
- !(IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 37)) ||
- #ifdef DATATYPES
- !(DataTypesBase = OpenLibrary( "datatypes.library", 39)) ||
- #endif
- #ifdef AREXX
- !(RexxSysBase = OpenLibrary("rexxsyslib.library", 0)) ||
- #endif
- !(DiskfontBase = OpenLibrary("diskfont.library", 37)) )
- return 1;
- // Creating our memorypool and use it immediate for the locale
- if( !(mempool = NewMemHandle(4096, 3072, MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC)) ||
- !(locale = AllocMemH(mempool, sizeof(struct DOpusLocale))) )
- return 1;
- init_locale_data(locale);
- // Open locale library
- if( LocaleBase = OpenLibrary("locale.library", 38) )
- {
- // Store library pointer
- locale->li_LocaleBase = LocaleBase;
- // Open catalog if name supplied
- if( module_info.locale_name )
- {
- struct TagItem tags[2];
- // If MODULEF_CATALOG_VERSION is set, we do version checking
- tags[0].ti_Tag = (module_info.flags & MODULEF_CATALOG_VERSION) ? OC_Version : TAG_IGNORE;
- tags[0].ti_Data = module_info.ver;
- tags[1].ti_Tag = TAG_DONE;
- // Open catalog
- locale->li_Catalog = OpenCatalogA( NULL, module_info.locale_name, tags );
- }
- // Get default lolale
- locale->li_Locale = OpenLocale( 0 );
- }
- return NULL; // Succeeded
- }
- // Clean up
- void __saveds __UserLibCleanup()
- {
- if( mempool )
- {
- if( locale )
- {
- if( LocaleBase )
- {
- CloseLocale( locale->li_Locale );
- CloseCatalog( locale->li_Catalog );
- CloseLibrary( LocaleBase );
- }
- FreeMemH(locale);
- }
- FreeMemHandle( mempool );
- }
- // Close libraries
- CloseLibrary( AslBase );
- CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
- CloseLibrary( DOpusBase );
- CloseLibrary( DiskfontBase );
- CloseLibrary( UtilityBase );
- #ifdef DATATYPES
- CloseLibrary( DataTypesBase );
- #endif
- #ifdef AREXX
- CloseLibrary( RexxSysBase );
- #endif
- CloseLibrary( GadToolsBase );
- CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- CloseLibrary( DOSBase );
- }
- /********************************************************************/
- // This routine is called by DOpus to find out what the module does
- // Do not modify it or move it to an other place !!
- ModuleInfo *__asm __saveds L_Module_Identify( register __d0 int num )
- {
- // Return module information
- if( num == -1 )
- return &module_info;
- // Valid function number?
- if( num > module_info.function_count ||
- !(module_info.function[num].desc) )
- return 0;
- // Return function description
- return (ModuleInfo *) DOpusGetString( locale, module_info.function[num].desc );
- }
- /********************************************************************/